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Cat Friendly Clinic

We work hard to make your cat's visit to the vet as stress-free as possible

Cat Friendly Clinic

We work hard to make your cat's visit to the vet as stress-free as possible

What is a cat friendly clinic?

Achieving Cat Friendly Clinic accreditation involves all staff, from receptionists, nurses and technicians, through to vets. Each accredited clinic also has at least one ‘Cat Advocate’ – someone who ensures the cat friendly standards are adhered to, and who would be happy to talk to you.

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What standards can you expect from a Cat Friendly Clinic?

This is a summary of the major criteria needed for a clinic to achieve Cat Friendly Clinic accreditation. The standard is awarded at three levels – Bronze, Silver and Gold (Towerwood Vets are proud to say that we have achieved Gold Standard!).

Find out more

Caring for your kitten

Caring for your kitten

Make life’s first steps the right ones by using advice from veterinary surgeons and behaviourists.

Bringing your cat to the vets

Bringing your cat to the vets

A trip to the vets can be a stressful experience for your feline friends. 

Taking your cat home

Taking your cat home

Advice on bringing your cat home from the clinic after an appointment or surgery.

Changing your cat's food

Changing your cat's food

Advice on changing your cat's diet or introducing them to a new one.

Giving your cat medication

Giving your cat medication

Advice on giving your cat skin, ear or eye drops and ointments

Giving tablets to your cat

Giving tablets to your cat

Giving tablets to your cat can be stressful and few cats are cooperative. If you are having any difficulty, please contact your practice.