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Our Pet Health Clubs

Offering a range of plans to suit you

Our Pet Health Clubs

Offering a range of plans to suit you

Like most things, a preventative approach to good health and well-being is the most proactive action to take. It’s this way for us, so it should be no different for your fur family. Whether want to treat your companion’s conventionally or holistically, or even a mixture of both, we have the right health plan for you that will cover all their preventative healthcare needs to suit your budget. From regular worming treatments right through to titre tests, we cover it all in our range of health plans at a which help you maintain your pet’s health and wellbeing with a simple monthly payment.

National Pet Health Club Plan

Our national health plan covers all the conventional basics you’ll need on a budget for your dogs, cats and rabbits.

Towerwood Health Club Plans

Our practice plans give you that little bit more, because we want to make sure our furry friends feel a little bit spoiled on every visit to the practice with a VIP 10% (premium) or 15% (ultimate) off ALL products and services. Our more comprehensive plans are geared towards giving you discounts on healthcare from adulthood right through to their twilight years, with discounts off things like prescriptions, consultations and routine health screening, that as your pet gets older you may need to use more of.

Holistic Health Club Plans

 If you want all the benefits and discounts that our health plans can provide, but want to treat your pet with more gentle products, and utilise our ‘test before treating’ methods such as worm egg counts and titre testing, take a look at our holistic health plans.

Puppy & Kitten Healthy Start Plans

New puppy or kitten? We love meeting all of our new puppies and kittens so much but from all of the conversations we have with clients who have new puppies and kittens, it really stood out that some just didn’t know where to start with their routine health and wellbeing care. So, we developed our Healthy Start Plans, which are designed to cover all your new arrivals needs. It covers all their needs for the first 6 months of their life with you, and are a good introduction to our core health club plans. From puppy classes to nutrition, we’ve got your first six months covered in each of our plans.

Select one of the options below to find out more!

Towerwood Health Club Plans

Towerwood Health Club Plans

Find out more about our Premium and Ultimate Health Club Plans

National Pet Health Club

National Pet Health Club

Learn about the benefits of the Pet Health Club and sign up online

Holistic Health Club

Holistic Health Club

At Towerwood Vets we offer you a choice of plan based on your needs.

Puppy & Kitten Healthy Start

Puppy & Kitten Healthy Start

From puppy classes to nutrition, we’ve got your first six months covered in each of our plans.