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Sue Snodin

Client Care Consultant

Sue Snodin - Client Care Consultant
Sue Snodin Client Care Consultant

Meet Ronnie's best friend Sue, who is here giving him lots of treats and cuddles when he was the centre of our practice. Sue has Ruby at home who was one of two rescue cats she adopted together. Millie, Ruby’s daughter, sadly was ill and didn’t recover at the end of 2019, so Ruby is now coming out of her shell a little more.

Sue came across our practice quite by accident when looking for a new job. She joined the practice a fair few years ago now in 2005 and says she wouldn’t want to do anything else now. She loves meeting clients and their furry friends, and loves being part of our close team at Towerwood. We wouldn’t be without her on reception!

In her spare time Sue loves to go to the theatre and socialise with friends. She loves a good drama series on tv and also loves to read. Previously, Sue was an air hostess with British Airways and says one of her proudest moments was being involved in an emergency landing at Heathrow airport and receiving a letter of commendation from the management team on how the emergency landing was handled.